Building Wrap and spring blooms

Quick side note: with the completion of the project coming up fast we’re starting an interest list for the 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apartments. If you’re interested, head on over here and submit your info.

Spring is on its way.  The wildflowers are out and the oak tree is putting out a ton of new growth – a great sign for the health of our tree. Here’s a few shots of a foggy morning we recently had. I love being next to the railroad line most times of the day, but with conditions like this I particularly appreciate the open space and how the “path” along the tracks fades into nothingness.





Building Wrap

OK, back to the building. We’ve been about 90% complete on the exterior building wrap for a couple weeks now. The installation process is quite quick given the large areas of wall to be covered.




Below is a shot of a series of standoffs which will support a cable structure for vines to grow on. Step one in maintaining a watertight envelope is a Jiffy-Seal backing.


Next, building paper and lath are installed in overlapping courses from the bottom up.


Finally, a generous amount of caulking is applied at the base where the standoff breaks through the paper.


The stucco that will eventually be installed over this is not actually waterproof. The system of lapped flashing and building paper as shown here is what keeps our interior spaces dry. A careful review of all weak points (like this one) is critical to keeping water out of our building.

A similar approach is taken for mechanical penetrations.


note the extra lath at the window corners



This afternoon the lathers put the finishing touches on in preparation for an inspection on Monday. If all goes well we’ll be clear to start insulation on Tuesday.

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